In this section
Applying for a Place at St Jude’S
Applying for Reception Class (Admission Arrangements)
During the winter, prior to your child starting Primary School, you should complete an application form to apply for a place in Reception Class. We recommend that you complete and submit your application online on the Application ‘School Admissions Portal’ (please click here to open the website). However, application forms can also be collected and returned directly to from/to the school.
St Jude’s welcomes all children, regardless of faith, however places will be offered in line with our Admissions Policy.
Please see the appropriate Admission Policy below to view our admission arrangements, selection criteria and over-subscription criteria (how we offer places if there are more applicants than places)
Should your preference be that your child attend a Catholic or faith school then you are also asked to complete a supplementary faith form. The supplementary form may vary depending on your school choice. You can download the supplementary form below or you can collect one from the school office.
If you have any queries or need any further information about the admissions process than please do not hesitate to contact the school office on (01942) 204091.
St Jude’s Admission Arrangements 2025/2026
St Jude’s Admission Arrangements 2026/2027
Mid-Year Transfers
Should you wish to apply for a school place at St Jude’s then you must contact Wigan Council’s School Admission Team online – Unfortunately we are unable to deal with direct requests.
For further information and a link to the application form see the ‘Moving Schools’ page on the Wigan Council website;
Should you wish to visit the school or request any information prior to applying for a place then please contact the school directly. We will be pleased to assist you in the transfer process in any way we possibly can.
High School Admissions
When your child is in Year 6 you will need to apply for their place in High School. The process is online however you will receive a letter through the post with your child’s UIN (Unique Identity Number) which you will need to enter into the portal when applying.
St Jude’s is a ‘Feeder Primary’ for St John Fisher Catholic Primary School. As well as St John Fisher, some children who attended St Jude’s go on to Hawkley Hall High School, due to it’s proximity.
An admission appeal must be made in writing within 20 days from the date of notification of an unsuccessful admission following the School Admission Appeals Timetable and process available on the Wigan Council website.
Further Information
For further information on any aspect of School Arrangements or to access school admission policies via the Council’s website please visit
Wigan Council’s “Determination of Admission Arrangements” can be found following the following link;